Sunday, May 22, 2016


My posts this weekend have appeared thanks to the magic of technology while I sit hundreds of miles away from my computer, quietly contemplating nature and the beauty of my fellow human beings.

Actually, I have no idea what I'll be doing, but I do know where I'll be doing it: A Quaker retreat center in the wilds of Pennsylvania. No, I am not a Quaker, though I am a big fan of their oatmeal.

A friend of mine recommended this retreat as a great way to unplug, relax, and maybe even learn something about myself. It sounded like a great idea in January, when I was all flush with New Year's Resolutions.

But when they sent me the schedule for the weekend, I saw it was peppered with daily blocks for worship. Quaker worship. That's a lot of sitting still and waiting for the Spirit to speak. Maybe this hasn't become completely apparent through my blogging, but "waiting for" anything is not my greatest strength.

Pray for me, and the Quakers—quietly. And enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

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