No, not that
I asked them how they have Fun. “What do you do when you’re not working?” Four in a row had
the same response: Startled silence, nervous laughter.
Finally one brave soul said he enjoys fly-fishing, “…though
I haven’t had time to do it lately.”
Now, I know our clients are Important People who deserve our
best work. But I also know that I cannot deliver my best work if work is all I
do. So for me, Fun is not optional; it’s an essential part of my schedule. Just
as I boot up my computer every morning, I need to boot up my psyche regularly.
It’s great to have a big hobby like fly-fishing (N.B.: the fish
may disagree). But we can find plenty of joy in the smaller, less
time-consuming things we do. My own list includes: Playing with the dog.
Reading The New Yorker. Singing. Doing
needlepoint. Going to the theatre. Watching a baseball game (preferably one my
team wins). Hanging out with my sweetheart. Writing something just for myself,
not my clients. Laughing.
Incorporating these simple joys into my life makes me a
happier, more creative person. And ultimately a much better writer.
Where’s the fun in your life? And how does it feed you?